While oppressors, through their military strength, can invade, conquer, and enslave a people, they cannot win their loyalty, or sustain peace with them indefinitely unless the minds of those people have been conditioned to ensure that they never seek retribution. Throughout history those empires that were brutally oppressive, fearing eventual retribution from the oppressed, have always prevented it by indoctrinating a value system into the collective minds of the oppressed that supports the current infrastructure of the dominant society. Therefore, the perceptions held by the oppressed are never truly their own. They’re always false perceptions -- beneficial to the oppressors— that were shrewdly ingrained into their minds by their oppressors without them even realizing it. This process is known as socialization. It's when a subordinate population has been conditioned to think and behave in ways that are beneficial to the dominant culture. The subordinate population rarely ever learns of this fact. This is the hidden reality of what has been done to Black people living under white dominance. It’s no strange occurrence that so many Black people are now self loathing, perceive themselves as being their own worst enemies, and revere Caucasians - in spite of such a brutal history to the contrary. These thoughts, that clearly benefits white societies, were deliberately indoctrinated into the minds of many Black people.
There are three ways to effectively socialize the human mind. By what we're taught, by what we see, and by what we routinely hear. Because the white society controls the education we're taught, the media images we see, and the societal narratives that we routinely hear, these combined factors have allowed white social scientists and propaganda designers to instill a value system into Black minds that protects the infrastructure of white supremacy--without most even realizing it. This socialization begins during our earliest educational development - when our minds are young and most impressionable - through a whitewashed curriculum that exalts only whites while marginalizes the contributions made by Black people throughout history. It's then continued throughout our entire lives through ongoing white media propaganda campaigns that constantly subjects Black people to receiving only the fraudulent worst narratives about themselves. This demoralizes, divides, and creates Black self loathing. This condition makes Black people much easier to control. Its how white oppressive societies protect themselves from unified Black retribution. Because the true name assigned to this socialization program remains classified, “The Black Matrix” ( aka The Black People’s Matrix.) is the name that I have appropriately assigned to it. -- Franklin Jones